Boosting Self-Efficacy
Tips for Boosting Self-Efficacy
You can't boost your self-efficacy or help others increase theirs. Here are a few tips that you might find helpful.
Simply, the more you have practice doing something, the more likely you will become better at it, and the more confident you will feel doing the same task in a different situation.
Try New Things
People tend to feel more comfortable with familiar situations. Therefore, the more novelty you accept into your life, the less likely you will be intimidated by new tasks. Trying new things might increase the range of skills at your disposal, but you may also be more likely to face situations that share similarities with your past experiences.
Find Role Models
Observing other people's successes can boost our self-efficacy. Witnessing someone else achieve a similar goal might motivate you to follow their steps and imagine yourself as successful. And the more similar that person's background is to yours, the more you can relate to their experiences.
Build a Support System
Hearing positive feedback about your performance can boost your self-efficacy, especially if the praise comes from experts, teachers, coaches, and peers who have done well in similar endeavors. You may try surrounding yourself with supportive people whose opinions you value.
Be Positive
It is essential to recognize signs of stress and thoughts of self-doubt so that you can address them. You might want to focus on your past victories and positive experiences to keep your self-doubt at bay. Keeping a list of accomplishments that you are proud of might come in handy when you need a quick boost to your self-efficacy.
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